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Volse epostlister

E-postlister - Generell innføring

Hva er en e-postliste?

A mailing list is a distribution list allowing a group of subscribers to automatically receive by email all messages sent to the list: every message sent to the list by a subscriber is received by all the other subscribers. When subscribed to a mailing list, it is possible to send messages, to reply to them or to read them without contributing (i.e. to "lurk").

Spesielle tilfeller:

Interest of mailing lists

Folk abonnerer på en e-postliste (noen ganger forkortet til ML) for å bli informert om et bestemt emne ta del i diskusjon rundt det. Eksempler er:

Typer av e-postlister

There are thousands of mailing lists of all kinds on the Internet: public or private, free or not, with subscription subject to conditions or not, etc. Those lists may have from a dozen up to several thousand members.

Etter måten de fungerer på så kan vi skille mellom to typer lister:

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